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Multi Creative Freelance Portfolio
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Introduction to Metalsmithing

Because of Martha’s commitment to collaborative learning, she tailors her workshops to the student’s skill level and interest.  Together they decide what projects to complete.  Most beginning students create at least two pieces of jewelry.  The projects are designed to provide an understanding of how metal is manipulated and transformed into small works of art. Her goal is to have students complete a workshop with a smile on their face and pride in the works of art they have created.

Objective:    Students will learn to use hand tools to cut, dap, file, texture, forge, and solder with a torch.  They may also choose to use specialty tools such as a rolling mill to create designs and texture on metal or use a 20 ton electric hydraulic press to form and shape their pieces into wearable art.

Skill Level:  Beginner

Cost: $125. There is an additional $35 cost if students want to work in silver.  A $75 non refundable deposit is required to secure a space in the workshop. The balance is due at the first class. Checks, cash and credit cards are accepted. Request an invoice to be sent via email that will include instructions to pay by credit card or check.


Materials: Martha will provide everything needed to produce at least 2 pieces of copper or brass jewelry.

Here are some suggested projects for beginning students: